New England Fiddle Ensemble Logo

Manchester Concert May 2023

Exeter Concert May 2023

Kittery Star Theatre May 2023

Photos by: Mike Skrip

Westbrook Performing Arts Center April 2023

Photos by: Mike Skrip

Kittery Star Theatre Concert May 2022

Photos by: Amanda Kowalski

Coppal House Farm Sunflower Festival Concert August 2022

Photos by: Amanda Kowalski

Nottingham Concert August 2021

Photos from Carolyn Lauginiger:

Westbrook Concert 2021

Photos by: Scott Linscott


You can see more videos at our YouTube channel:

New Hampshire Chronicle

The New Hampshire Fiddle Ensemble appeared on the May 5, 2014 episode of "New Hampshire Chronicle." To see the performance at the WMUR-TV website click the image below:


April 14, 2018 - Exeter, New Hampshire performance from "Exeter TV98" Channel on YouTube:


In 2016 New Hampshire Fiddle Ensemble members appeared on the "207" television show at Maine's WCSH.

Click here to see the performance at the WCSH's website


Listen to an audio clip from the Ensemble's performance on NH Public Radio's "The Folk Show" with Kate McNally in March 2016: Click Here


Click below to see Dave Hollowell's YouTube video of "Reel de Joie" from the April 14, 2013 performance at the Franklin Opera House, Franklin, New Hampshire. 


Click below to see Dave Hollowell's YouTube video of "It's All Your Fault" from the April 14, 2013 performance at the Franklin Opera House, Franklin, New Hampshire.