New England Fiddle Ensemble Logo

Check back in the fall for 2024-2025 registration information.

2023-2024 Registration Information


$275  Early Bird (Before Jan 1) Adult Age 18-79


$300  Full Registration (After Jan 1) Adult Age 18-79


$195  Early Bird (Before Jan 1) Age 17 and Under OR Age 80+


$210  Full Registration (After Jan 1) Age 17 and Under OR Age 80+

Printable Registration Form
Adobe Acrobat Document 140.4 KB


Registration Includes:

Nine Regular Rehearsals

Learning Materials (fast & slow recordings, written music, chord charts & lyrics)

Two Dress Rehearsals

The Option to Participate in Six Large Concerts


In Person and Zoom Rehearsals:

Live and Zoom rehearsals happening from November through April in several locations throughout New Hampshire and Southern Maine!

Check out 2023-2024 locations, dates and music selections here:

Click Here to See Rehearsal Info


Anyone from any group is welcome to go to any rehearsals. You could even attend more than one in a week. Please try not to miss rehearsals. Each rehearsal is recorded and made available for ensemble members to view at a later date. All rehearsals are also available via Zoom.

All Zoom Option: If you prefer, you do not need to attend any in-person rehearsals since they will all be offered via Zoom. Since they are recorded and archived, they will be available any time you want to practice.


Scholarships, Family Discounts and Payment Plans:

Full payment is expected when registering but if you are in a hardship, PLEASE inquire about scholarships, family discounts or billed payment plans. Checks made out to "NH Fiddle Ensemble" are appreciated. PayPal option is available for an extra fee of $8.


THANK YOU to our sponsors: